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Our Story

Serving the Columbia Community

Zion Pilgrim Baptist was started in 1868 under a brush harbor in the Arthurtown Community of Columbia, South Carolina.  In 1880, Mrs. Amanda Davis deeded land to four men named as deacons of the church. Deacon Lewis Manigault, Deacon Nelson Walker, Deacon Edmund Robinson, and Deacon Richard Howard were the deacons to whom the land was deeded.   


Some years later a frame church was built on the land by the pastor and many faithful members. Under the administration of Reverend T.H. Hughes, the church was cinder blocked. In addition to Reverend T.H. Hughes, the previous Pastors of Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church were as follows: Reverend Sara Smith, Reverend A.P. Porter, Reverend J.C. White, Reverend James Hopkins, Reverend Ed Davis, Reverend B.B. Felder, and Reverend J. Alfred Peters.


In 1983, the education building was built and a new church van was purchased. In addition, Zion Pilgrim elected its first female trustee in 1985.  Under the leadership of Reverend Leroy Cain, Sr., the church was remodeled and central air and heat were installed. Reverend Leroy Cain, Sr. served faithfully as pastor for almost 45 years.


During Reverend Leroy Cain, Sr.’s tenure, Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church took on its most ambitious project and purchased 5.5 acres of surrounding land for the construction of a new church. At that time, the Deacon Board was led by Deacon Bennie Huiett and the Assistant Chairman, Deacon Joseph Tolliver; and Sister Roberta J. Mack served as Chairperson of the Trustee Board. The new church building was built in 2001 and dedicated in March 2002.


After the retirement of Reverend Leroy Cain, Sr. in September 2006, Reverend Willie M. Duggan, Sr. was called to Pastor Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church. Under the leadership of Reverend Willie M. Duggan, Sr., the church membership increased and a record level of donations were made to the annual general fund.  There were other innovations under the leadership of Reverend Willie M. Duggan, Sr. such as:  the CD and tape ministry, the computerization of many business operations. Moreover, a new church bus was purchased, and shortly thereafter, the bus ministry was initiated. Our weekly Bible Study was also revitalized under Reverend Duggan’s leadership.


The following Trustees were elected: Brother Brett Porterfield, Sister Gisele Price and Brother Larry Tucker. On February 19, 2014, two deacons were ordained, Deacon Stacey Dukes and Deacon Thomas D. Thompson. In 2016, Deacon Nathaniel McLemore and Deacon Brett Porterfield were ordained. Also, Sister Liza Porterfield and Brother James Parker were elected as Trustees. Reverend Willie M. Duggan, Sr. faithfully served Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church for 11 years until his death in December 2017.


In January 2019, the church elected two additional trustees, Brother Edward Barnes and Brother Lee Crumey. In August 2019, Reverend Willie J. Davis, Jr.  was called to pastor Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church.  He delivered his first sermon on September 1, 2019, and his ordination service was on Nov. 10, 2019.  Reverend Davis guided us through the pandemic and delivered his sermons live via Facebook until May 2, 2021.  After which, the church successfully reopened its doors for worship services with the implementation of COVID-19 protocols.  In addition, Reverend Davis was instrumental in the inception of Bible Study and Sunday School being held virtually via the ZOOM platform.


During his tenure, Reverend Davis has been influential in the Church achieving the following: paying off the church mortgage, purchasing a new organ, instituting Calling Post to inform members of the Church’s activities, the installation of a new roof, heating and air condition unit upgrades, security camera upgrade, large new wall television monitor and audio-visual enhancements. Moreover, Reverend Davis started the Seniors-on-the Go Ministry.  We, the Zion Pilgrim Baptist Church, thank God for 154 years of being a light in this community. We give God all the glory, honor, and praise for all that He has done!

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